What Is Creativity? Discovering Who You Are

9 months ago

What is creativity? What erroneous ideas about creativity does our society promote? Why don’t we get taught how to generate creative ideas? And where does creativity come from?

In this video I'll bust some myths about the topic of creativity and share what I believe is the truth about creativity and about our human nature. I’ll define some terms that I’ll be using in future videos as we dig deeper into the topics of accessing inspiration and quickly getting into your creative flow.


00:00 What creativity is and isn't
01:00 The spark of life
03:22 The muse
03:40 The source of creative inspiration
05:09 The role of intuition
06:44 Creativity terminology
07:17 Future video content


More About Creativity by Jo Verdis:

Music Used in This Video:
Creativity Jam / Jo Verdis
Odd Whirlwind / Roof / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Yinon Muallem / Balkanic / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Daniel Fridell / Oceanic / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Daniel Fridell / Taking My Time / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Dew of Light / Bay Criminal / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
August Wilhelmsson / Serene Story 2 / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

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