Celebrity Brushes with High Strangeness

9 months ago

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Richard speaks with Los Angeles comedian and paranormal enthusiast David Race about his popular and compelling podcast, "Monstrosity with David Race". David discusses some of his favourite interviews with celebrities and their paranormal encounters. He also shares his own Bigfoot encounter in upstate New York and his UFO sighting in Los Angeles.

GUEST: David Race is a former radio personality in the U.S., turned Hollywood stand-up comedian, turned podcaster. His first podcast got a TV development deal after only 7 episodes. His current podcast has been a hit since its inception a few years ago. It's called "Monstrosity", and it features David Race talking with celebrity guests, and paranormal researchers, on a show that swings from scary and serious, to great comedy, and deep interviews. Our guest today is the man behind that show, David Race.



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