Parasites are demonic and their excrement feeds cancer, God Wins

9 months ago

The Law of Encroachment
I invoke the Law of Encroachment over all my loved ones, past, present and future, and especially (Name) and plead that all curses, contracts, and demonic devices be identified, renounced and taken out of us. I plead that all beings of awareness, life force, thought-form, all entities, assemblages, graphene oxides, spike proteins, evil additives, and all else that exist that do not have our highest interest and that of all life everywhere, and are not in the highest service to the One and Only God of All Creation, in thought, form, mind, action, deed and in all ways, as well as all artificial intelligence (AI) and all the technologies they use, or that support them, and all else that is artificial life or artificial life forms not created by the One and Only God of All Creation, I demand to leave our mind, spirit, body, soul and all that we are on all levels, dimensions, densities, and locations, now and forever in Jesus name we pray.
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