Politicians and Elite Leaders Dont want you to Grasp This Scene from A Bugs Life!

7 months ago

---Please Follow us on X---https://x.com/EdKori55875/status/1824530071744618668
Is Everyone Blind or Something?
Can NO One See that WE ARE Those Ants? (Grains-the pretend Ants)

Why Are WE NOT Crushing these ELITE PEDOPHILE Peices-of-S**t GRASSHOPPERS that Are Destroying, Killing, and Raping, our Women, our Children, our Countries and our homes??!!?

Why don't we get up and do what our Forefathers did?

Why do We take their S**t when We all know they want Us dead?

We Outnumber these Sickos and we can take our freedom back right now if you realize that Your Government, The Media, and ALL Politicians are these GRASSHOPPERS doing To you exactly what they are doing to these Ants in this Clip From a Popular Children's Film Called A Bugs Life.

These People are Telling the Kids how they Operate. They have been Doing this.

It's Called Programming and It's In Everything! I'm Going to Expose It All!

The Elite Still Exists and always will because The People Still Submit and Always will.

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