8 months ago

Those of us living in the USA have a particular responsibility to address the problems that stem from our corporate controlled government policies which adversely impact the entire world. At the same time we work locally and regionally, we understand how the corporate control of our government on the federal level impacts the entire world. We take our responsibility as citizens seriously and have not given up on the idea that in unison we have the power to change the world for the better. This is the time to speak our truth; together we are the people we have been waiting for!

With your support, OCA will continue to work side by side with you. We believe that we, the global grassroots, are at a major turning point in history. This is the crucial moment when we must step up our truth-telling and educational efforts. This is the point of no return where we can and must build strong, inclusive coalitions, resist the enormous power of the global elites, and bring about fundamental changes in the marketplace, workplace, public policy, and finance.

Here are several of our major campaigns for 2024:

(1) Beating Back the Toxic Onslaught

Since we launched Millions Against Monsanto in the late 1990s, the Organic Consumers Association has been on the forefront of the international movement to ban the world's worst toxins, starting with Monsanto's carcinogenic glyphosate-based Roundup herbicide and Bayer's bee-killing neonicotinoid insecticides. Bayer-Monsanto is resorting to dirty tricks, trying to pass laws to keep pesticide-exposed cancer victims from suing and stop states from banning their toxins, because they know, if democracy prevails, they'll lose!

(2) Defending Food & Health Sovereignty from Corporate Tyranny

Agrochemical and pharmaceutical companies hate democracy. When the people have the power, they can't get away with poisoning us! That's why they've been stripping localities of the right to reject their products and using the World Trade Organization and the World Health Organization to chip away at national sovereignty. They claim it's all about "free trade" and "global health," but we know it's just a corporate power-grab. They want the world's 8 billion people to eat their GMOs and take their jabs and pills, but they don't want to contend with 190 different countries all demanding safety data and scientific reviews!

(3) The People’s Food Summit

This will be the 3rd year we will host the Global 24-hour People’s Food Summit on World Food Day October 16, broadcast across all six time zones of the world, promoting organic and regenerative practices — such as our Agave agroforestry project for arid and semi-arid regions — followed by ongoing, regular, mass-based communications and networking on every continent.

(4) Fighting Frankenfoods to Save Farming

Bayer-Monsanto knows that no one wants their pesticide-soaked, factory-farmed Frankenfoods. They've got a plan for that. Novel synthetic foods are already arriving unlabeled on our plates. The powers that be will say the water and the soil is too polluted to grow food anymore, and that it all has to be made in a lab. We understand how our health and the health of the planet are tied to food grown in soil. It’s crucial that we work to get more and more land into the hands of people who will farm it regeneratively, and at the same time fight back against Bayer-Monsanto and these dangerous, unnecessary genetically engineered so-called solutions that are being tested on us without our knowledge.

(5) Growing & Connecting Our Global Network of Regenerators

You're part of a growing global network of regenerators. When you're not growing your food yourself, when possible you're buying it in cash from local farmers. You know how to shop for real organic. You keep yourself informed and take action when there's an opportunity to educate your community and elected representatives. You're the reason why more and more farmers and ranchers will grow nutrient dense food in healthy soil and graze their animals on well-managed pastures. Your actions are how people take their power back from the corporations. Your creativity and intelligence are how we feed the world while saving the planet.

OCA and our sister organizations, Regeneration International (our international network), Citizens Regeneration Lobby (our USA lobbying group), and Vía Orgánica (our Mexico sister organization) have an impactful role to play in this organic and regenerative revolution.

And we can’t do it without you, our conscientious, mindful network of support and inspiration.

OCA’s fundraising, which depends upon small donors, has fallen by 25% over the past two years. We are proud to have 300,000 loyal subscribers to Organic Bytes Newsletter and two million social media supporters who amplify our shared voices.

Today we are asking you to help us continue our work with a donation. We need your support more than ever. OCA’s major donor has pledged to match every dollar that you give us over the month of May. Our future efforts depend upon your support.
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