The Best Taquitos are Worth Making: Stoner Food Recipes

9 months ago

How to Make Taquito's Worth Eating | More Cooking Tips | Shoutouts!
Years ago when I was in college, well I was not as streight and narrow person that I am today. Yes, I liked to have fun and enjoyed eating whatever I could after a "fun night". Taquito's were always one of those foods that were in the freezer and help to satisfy that hunger! Well, as a 50 plus year old person I still like to have "fun" and still like to eat so Taquito's just made sense to me. So here is my "Adult" take on Taquito's

Hello everyone, I’m El Duderino AKA "The Dude" and My goal is to show you anyone can make any meal outside and have fun while doing it. So grab a White Russian 🍹 or an oat soda 🍺 and lets do this.
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So with that said lets do this!
"Here's to letting life come to us once in a while"
Links to Equipment I use from Amazon
onlyfire 17 inch Stainless Steel Round Tumble Rotisserie Basket Cooking Accessory Fits for Most Grills

Cuisinart Grill Cleaning Brush, CCB-5014, Stainless Steel

Alpha Grillers Instant Read Meat Thermometer for Grill and Cooking.

VORTEX (IN)DIRECT HEAT for Charcoal Grills

Weber 7403 Char-Basket Charcoal Briquet Holders

Cuisinart CPS-445, 3-Piece Pizza Grilling Set, Stainless Steel

Weber 7429 Rapidfire Chimney Starter, Silver

Weber Original Kettle Premium Charcoal Grill, 22-Inch

Movo WMX-1-TX 2.4GHz Wireless Lavalier Microphone, Transmitter

Sabrent USB External Stereo Sound

USB Camera Adapter, USB Female OTG Adapter Compatible with iPhone iPad, Portable USB Adapter for iPhone with Charging Port, No Application, Plug and Play

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