JonBenét Ramsey - Parents or Intruder did it?

9 months ago

Here's a video about JonBenét Ramsey and whether I think the parents or an intruder did it. I generally thought the family did it at first, but upon more investigation think its more likely an intruder or even a few intruders.

0:00 Into
0:51 Basic background of case
6:23 Background of Ramsey Family
15:40 Day of Crime
18:01 9/11 Phone call from Patsy Ramsey
20:32 Reading Ransom Note
23:16 Day of Crime continued
34:05 Visiting the Ramsey Home
38:00 Going thru autopsy
40:15 Geography of Boulder, Colorado
40:48 Where could you dispose of body? Drive in mountains
44:15 The Ramsey family as potential suspects
54:20 The Ramsey's aren't dumb enough to do crime
57:57 The Intruder theory - Lou Smit Detective main findings
1:02:11 Did John Andrew's classmates at CU Boulder do this?
1:04:06 What Ransom note of $118,000 means to average people
1:05:05 The ransom note comes from various movies
1:08:23 Maybe local or foreign college students wrote ransom note?
1:13:15 For tuition money?
1:16:50 Why would someone write note inside home?
1:19:25 Ramsey's dog
1:19:49 Where did they get supplies to carry out kidnapping?
1:21:08 Which way to enter the home?
1:23:27 Could they get into basement window and debunking cobwebs etc
1:25:40 A really important piece of evidence
1:28:25 Where they living nearby? Tracking Ramsey's
1:29:00 Where to hide in house?
1:30:00 Getting JonBenet and how the night went down
1:36:00 Other ideas about note and potential reasons for act
1:40:05 Conclusion

Videos I referenced. Here is the home crime scene video

JonBenet: The Intruder Theory (Lou Smit/Katie Couric, 2000)

I'm in Colorado now doing hiking and biking tours. If you're ever interested in joining me you can find me below.

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