2023: The Year of Open Science

8 months ago

Join Dorian Janney, NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission’s Education and Outreach Coordinator, to discover how you can be a part of a global project that invites you to tell your own story. In this exciting year of “Open Science”, we invite you to collect and use NASA data to better understand your own backyard. NASA has an international mission, the GPM mission, that has been measuring how much precipitation falls from the clouds to Earth for over twenty years, and that data is freely available. You will learn how to download and use the GLOBE Observer app and use a few of the tools to tell your own Tree or Water Story. This was recorded on May 18, 2023.

We’re launching STEM Engagement to new heights with learning resources that connect teachers, students, parents and caregivers to the inspiring work at NASA. Join us as we apply science, technology, engineering and mathematics to explore space, improve aeronautics, examine Earth and strive to land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon with the Artemis program.

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