No Longer Feeling Alone

3 months ago

June 27 - No Longer Feeling Alone
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To begin dissolving the feeling of loneliness, practice aligning every day with the energies of love and gratitude. Here are a few examples: If you walk by a tree, feel yourself from deep within your heart and soul offering it your love for its beauty, and gratitude for its shade. When you are talking to someone else, practice feeling love for the courage it took them to come from a place of perfect love into a world of duality to help this world heal, and offer them gratitude for interacting with you no matter what that interaction looks like to the ego (you may do this within your heart and mind). When you walk outside, offer the sun your love for providing its life giving energy to this planet, and gratitude for showing up for us every single day of our life. These and dozens of other opportunities present themselves to us each day to help us align/connect with our true nature.

The important part is not just to think of these things/actions, but to FEEL them, feel wave after wave of love and gratitude expanding from your heart and soul into them (tree, person, sun, Creator, etc), then imagine/feel wave after wave of love and gratitude returning back from them and filling your heart and soul. The more you practice reconnecting with the truth within, your Creator, the Love that in truth you have forever been, the more natural and real it will be and the less lonely you will feel. Let us practice every day this connection, and you will sooner or later start to realize and feel that we are indeed connected to everything, everyone, and all – that you are never alone, and that every expression of God forever loves and cherished you.
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