Creating Your Own Personal Peace Workshop

6 months ago

June 28 - Creating Your Own Personal Peace Workshop
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Every day allows us the opportunity to create our own free personal spiritual development workshop. For example, if you desire a greater sense of peace in your life, you can sit down in prayer/meditation or just make a verbal request to the Universe for it. The Universe/God/Source will hear and answer this call by bringing to us those people and situations that can best help us practice being in a state of peace. Thus if you are now, in one way or another, dealing with issues relating to peace and peace of mind, then know that you have consciously or not, already made this request. Being that what you are dealing with now is something you have asked for, then the proper response to receiving it should be that of gratitude, not judgment or self-judgment. Having gratitude for the present moment and all those participating in it is a sign of this self-awareness. Forgiveness will help you turn all of the ego judgments/false perceptions of yourself and others into knowledge. Knowledge is simply the realization that God’s will for you and your highest will for yourself are One. It is the realization of this Oneness/Unity with Source that will ultimately return you to the state of peace.
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