Building Your Life on a Rock Solid Foundation (Sand Castles On The Beach)

3 months ago

June 26 - Building Your Life on a Rock Solid Foundation (Sand Castles On The Beach)
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Regardless of how long children entertain themselves building sand castles on the beach, there always comes a time when they get tired of the activity. They then leave the castles to dissolve back into the sand. Equally so, no matter how much time, focus and energy we have dedicated to the ego’s delusional mindset, sooner or later, we will tire of its results. This is when we will start looking for a better more productive way of interacting with ourself and others. People who deviate from their sacred and loving co-design with the Divine are just playing a child's imaginary game. God is Love and All. Thus anything apart from Love is illusionary in nature, nothing, not real or true. Today, if you find yourself immersed in the ego’s delusions, do not despair. Simply recall that God can and will use all, even our silly little mind games, for good — to help us grow, heal and awaken.

Today, let us notice the difference between building a foundation on the sandy pillars of the ego’s mindset, or on the rock-solid foundation of the love of God. What is of God is love-centric and eternal. It is what we have come here to physically manifest and share. What is of the ego is temporal in nature. It holds no power other than the power that we give to it. The ego and its tools and mindset are nothing, being in opposition to Love, God, All. This is why when we align with its judgment-centric fear-based ideology, we feel disillusioned and unfulfilled. The ego and its tools being nothing can never fulfill you. Let us no longer invest in what offers us no return. Instead, let us choose to align our mind with the mind of God, and on solid ground, through the energy of love as our constant companion, build a world that our children can prosper in and truly enjoy.
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