Recognizing Your Whole Self

3 months ago

June 25 - Recognizing Your Whole Self
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The world you see is a reflection of the thoughts you think. Your brothers and sisters are defined by the thoughts you think. As you heal your mind, you will increasingly see healing in the world. Those who the healed mind thinks of or sees are embraced by the gifts of peace and non-judgment. A mind at peace with itself understands that we are all a part of the Whole and that each part plays a sacred role within the Whole. The Whole is incomplete without us. A mind at peace with itself recognizes that each part of the Whole is always moving, in the best way they can and currently know how, in the direction of healing, peace and union. When you begin to recognize yourself as part of the Whole, you will begin to see strangers as sisters and brothers, and foes as friends., As you do so the state of peace will become, more and more, your constant companion.

Today, let us practice seeing the sameness in our souls as more real and valuable than the seeming separateness of our bodies. Being all one, let us practice realizing that there is not one thought that we can think about someone that does not either help us heal or poison us. Being all One, we are all sacred and unique, but also equally loved parts of the Whole. Today, let us look upon every thought that we think about another being as an opportunity to heal ourself and thus awaken to our true nature. The more we awaken, the more we will recognize the divine sameness in each other. Being all one, as we awaken and heal, a mind at peace with itself will look upon others with peace. The healed mind, seeing itself as part of the Whole, no longer judges “others” because it no longer chooses to condemn itself.
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