Merging Into Oneness

9 months ago

June 22 - Merging Into Oneness
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We are all One, and in the process of remembering and becoming examples of this Oneness. Thus when ‘another’ says or does something it is because some part of us finds it of use in helping us remember this Oneness. When you start merging in Oneness you begin noticing how everyone, and every moment, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are being ‘used’ to help you achieve greater self-awareness. When you begin to understand this ‘usefulness’ your sense of gratitude is magnified. This magnification then begins to encompass everyone and all. How many teachers has God gifted to us? How can we lose our way when He has filled this world with so many who help us along our journey? A day is coming when the understanding of this Oneness will start turning strangers into sisters and foes into friends. A day is coming when those we once sentence to a life without us will be forgiven and fully embraced, and those we once hated will now be harbored by us in only perfect all-encompassing love and understanding.
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