Using Stem Cells to Heal Knee Injury and Back Pain - CPI in Mexico

9 months ago

Matt came down to CPI Stem Cells in Tijuana with some of the most common injuries that Americans experience every day, knee pain and back pain. After working in construction for 37 years his body had given out and it left him in a state of daily pain and discomfort.

Matt was in so much pain that he was drinking frequently to mask the pain and describes himself as having been "ready to jump off my balcony". To make matters worse he underwent a knee surgery which was unsuccessful and left him in no better shape.

One evening he found himself googling stem cells and came across CPI. After doing his research he discovered that CPI had something that no other stem cell clinic had and with it being so close to San Diego he knew that his travel would be no issue.

Within 90 days of having his right knee injected he had 90% of his cartilage back. He received injections in his neck, back, facets, and hips; all of which resulted in a reduction in his pain and great results as seen in his x-rays. Matt now has a new lease on his well being.

If you or a loved one is battling a condition like Matt was please visit or call +1 (855) 227-1411 to get your Free stem cell consultation!

#cpistemcells #stemcelltherapy #chronickneepain #chronicbackpain #cellularperformanceinstitute

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