5/19/20254 | "Are You On Fire?" (Pentecost Service) | Holy Cross Lutheran Church | Midland, TX

4 months ago

To support Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Midland, Texas:

0:00 Intro and First Hymn (“Father Welcomes” acapella)
8:27 First Prayer & Introit
13:31 Old Testament Reading (Ezekiel 37:1-14) & Epistle (Acts 2:1-21)
19:27 The Holy Gospel According to St. John, the fifteenth chapter
23:51 Children's Message
26:52 Sermon
35:09 Prayer of the Church
39:07 Offering & Prayer of Thanksgiving
43:23 Lord’s Prayer, Communion, & Hymn (“Now Thank We All Our God”)
49:50 Final Prayer & Hymn (“Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”)

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