Pattaya Floating Market, Thailand

9 months ago

Pattaya Floating Market is a new tourist destination for Thai cultural conservation located in the heart of Pattaya city. It was established by the owner's determination to make the place the center of tourism for cultural conservation that simulates the simple way of life of Thai people. It also aims to be the learning center of Thai self-sufficient living that have connected with water until present and the fascinating local wisdoms of four regions of Thailand; the North, the Central, the North East and the South.Here at Pattaya Floating Market, both Thai and foreign tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the place by taking a sightseeing boat to see Thai people's way of life at two riverfronts and to be bedazzled by the shops entirely made of teak wood unique of each region and their cultural performances at the activity zone.

As people of each region have different lifestyle, products of the four regions differ. Products from the North are crafted wood, silverwork, beautiful local fabric, silk and paper umbrellas while products from the Central are rattan furniture, accessories and woven bags. The North East is famous for its Mudmee and Preawa silk products, scented candles and triangular backrest pillows.

The South's well-know products are products made from coconut, batik fabric and wooden boat models. Pattaya Floating Market is determined to be the tourist destination that tangibly educates about self-sufficient living as well as the center of Thai cultures in every aspect namely lifestyle, food, performances, and merchandises such as handicrafts that all portray the story of Thai culture's background, prosperity and inherited wisdoms that are in need of well-managed scheme and sustainable conservation. Pattaya Floating Market is the largest freshwater pond in the East of Thailand and the only tourist destination that upholds the self-sufficient living concept of King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand which helps create a good image for Pattaya city and good impression to all tourists.

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