Maximizing Success on YouTube: Unlocking Creative Control & Financial Opportunities

4 months ago

So those two yes And then the money I just want as much as possible so I can make the show as good as possible but not from the standpoint of making money So that would be the third but it's also equally important because an extra twenty million dollars allows me to make that prize pool way bigger and do a bunch of other stuff I mentioned those three because I assume you got to a place where you're happy with all three of those And I feel like the reason that a lot of creators don't succeed when they work with a streamer or with traditional media is because they end up having to give up creative control They don't have ownership over the IP They create some new joint IP And the last one being money the money is is actually not that great in comparison to what they can make on YouTube if they're a YouTube creator at a certain scale Yeah no agreed And that's I don't know how like hard I want to go at them right now but it's it's pretty interesting because I mean obviously I'm the biggest YouTuber in the world So like you know just by nature I will have more leverage than anyone else and even me you know I'm having to tell these people why they should just let me do what I think is good content because I've built the track record of it and I've proven myself I've proven myself more than any youtuber could ever you know hope to prove themselves and even with me you know a lot of platforms are just like they just don't trust you and they want creative control and they want control The bigger one is like control of the edit So like you know if they don't like things they cut it out or they can make you put things in or you know fabricate things if they wanted to Not that that might be why they want but that's just a thing they can If they have control of the edit you basically decide everything The narrative what goes in what goes out You can you know and so yeah if I'm struggling to get that as Mr Beast then I couldn't fathom someone with a couple million subscribers or twenty million subscribers It's pretty wild because the waterfall of why that's a bad idea I could talk for hours on because obviously then you're less passionate about it I can't bring up examples from other creators but obviously I've talked to a bunch of other creators that did shows and that's a very reoccurring theme especially with a certain platform that we don't need to go in depth on but you know that like they didn't give up the the platform you know had the control over the edit and then you know the jokes were removed they forced them to put certain things in that you know because quotas and other stuff and it's just like just kills it kills the vibe and it doesn't feel like their show anymore and then it flops and the creator's like well yeah Because you know this isn't what my fans were expecting

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