How to Succeed on YouTube: Building Trust and Control

9 months ago

I can't bring up examples from other creators but obviously I've talked to a bunch of other creators that did shows and that's a very reoccurring theme especially with a certain platform that we don't need to go in depth on but you know that like they didn't give up the the platform you know had the control over the edit and then you know the jokes were removed they forced them to put certain things in that you know because quotas and other stuff and it's just like just kills it kills the vibe and it doesn't feel like their show anymore and then it flops and the creator's like well yeah Because you know this isn't what my fans were expecting And that's a reoccurring theme So hopefully if this does well I would love to you know because I can't talk too much game because I need it to crush first The more I say no if it ends up flopping I'm screwed I already said so much But hopefully it ends up crushing and then people can go like look they trusted Jimmy and look what he delivered Trust me You know what I mean But it's also a little bit too if you want them to be more trusting you're probably especially if you're smaller and you haven't proven yourself on YouTube as much probably just need to take a little bit less of a pay cut Because like the more you're going to push these platforms first like a season one of something you haven't proven the more they're going to want control to like kind of hedge their bet But if you're like hey I'll let me prove myself on season one I'll take a little less money And then if I crush it season two just pay me what I'm worth and you get a deal like that I think that also would help creators But like if you ask for the world on season one and they have nothing to base it off of because you've never done anything on streaming then obviously they're going to be like okay well now we're a little scared Like we want some control But you know so then just like take that take your number cut it in half and then just say hey season two pay me what I'm worth And then you know in season two they'll be way more trusting because they have like a thing they can reference if that makes sense

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