Remember When Zionist Jews Used To Be Terrorists - Before They Outsourced it to The United States Inc

8 months ago

Good morning PUREBLOODS! Today we're going to take a history lesson. You see, once apon a time, The Zionist/Khazarian Jews had their own terrorist organizations. They systematically worked and developed the militaristic state that is now Israel. You know, the country that the Rothschilds built and then displaced tens of thousands of Palestinians. You know, the people Israel is committing genocide on as I type this post.

From there, Israel went on to control The United States Inc. Military, the United States Inc. Justice Department, and apparently our "main stream media", as we entered into countless wars in the Middle East, fighting for the Zionist and their worthless causes.

Because you know, we can't have a Zionist fighting its own battle. (Those Pussies)

Well, here's the Zionist terrorists back in 1947, shortly before the Israeli totalitarian Anti-Palestine movement led again, by The ROTHSCHILDS no less (those demonic Khazarian's that they are). And the world simply accepted it and then acted as if Israel had been here for thousands of years, as a Jewish Nation. Which of course is about as realistic as 6,000,000 people being gassed in concentration camps that had no mathematical means of executing 600,000 people, much less 10x that.

To be very clear, the last thing a Zionist, or a Khazarian are is Jewish. Do your homework and you'll see what I'm talking about. These PIGs have infiltrated the Jewish community for centuries now and have been a large part of the worlds problems.

I refer to them as "The THEY", and it's past time to deal with these mother fukers..

So if you're simply a Jew, stand with the rest of the world and unite against the Khazar, the Zionist, and any other extremist groups that for centuries now, have hidden in the veil of the Jewish nation globally. Many Jews can learn from their Hasidic brothers and sisters who very much stand up to these PIGs, and suffer for it dearly.

It's time to take care of the "bad eggs".

Good Morning!

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