I've Been a Bad Bad Boy! STMS 05-21-24

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Oh boy do we have a show for you today! A little follow up from last night, and a lot of new news to get through!

We have an update from our favorite patois speaker Chet Hanks, Kid Rock going insane, Zac Brown going through it, and Jerry Seinfeld gets heckled!

We also have Nascar fights, fat people flying, and much more!

$350 away from 1030am! $5 Links $10 Immediate. Donations Welcome https://streamlabs.com/steeltoemorningshow/tip https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G2QLUXSWHRYSY SteelToeMediaInc on Venmo

https://streamlabs.com/steeltoemorningshow/tip https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G2QLUXSWHRYSY SteelToeMediaInc on Venmo

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