May 2024 President’s Message - What Have We Accomplished and Where Are We Heading?

8 months ago

As we move forward with future plans for STN, we need to stop for a moment and take a look at where we have come from and what we have accomplished in the last few years. I can tell you that we have come a long way from where we were originally when we met on the second floor of my office and then at the Carriage House Restaurant. You no longer have to watch me stand in front of you with papers routinely dropping on the floor (well, not as much perhaps) as I tried to inform our audience about what was happening and why we needed to unify, organize, and resist.

We have developed into a well-organized, highly effective corporation thanks to the leaders who stepped up to assist in taking on many of the tasks at hand. This has allowed us to engage in the many battles that we have taken on over the last several years.

Our leadership began their work by diligently and synergistically producing our mission statement and developing our core values as well. Utilizing those core values and with our mission firmly held, we have effectively impacted our community, our commonwealth, and yes, even our nation with much of what we have been able to accomplish. We have only been able to do so by utilizing the power and strength that we have tapped into through our first core value, our Biblical Foundation.

We successfully held two rallies and brought in speakers from across the country, including the likes of Doug Mastriano and Presidential nominee Alan Keyes. We brought many individuals to speak to our members at our monthly meetings. The topics of review included information on human/sex trafficking, Second Amendment issues, Pro-Life, STN’s Candidates’ Night, and prepping information. We held our second annual STN Gun Raffle. We have also held onsite gardening, concealed carry, and firearms training classes. We also put on a six-week Constitution Class.

While there are many more things that we have engaged in and brought to you, I know that we fulfill our third core value, our “Educational Keystone,” with everything that we do. Now it is time to look forward to what we will be accomplishing in the coming year. We have many exciting things to bring to you in the months ahead and through 2025.

We are currently organizing a Kid’s Constitution Class, which is being planned for September. This class will be for middle school and high school-aged kids. It will be led by Dr. Rebecca Janney, who is an educator and period actor who will engage the kids and bring the Constitution to life for them. Watch for more information about the class and registration for the event.

We invite you to visit our website for our current list of speakers for our upcoming monthly meetings at

We will be working to bring you information about the upcoming elections and those important local elections in 2025.

We have also been working with some individuals who share a passion for homeschooling, one of whom recently published a book on homeschooling. God has brought these talented and passionate women to us, and we will see what His plan is from there.

At our last meeting, STN’s Board of Directors approved the purchase of equipment to construct a video recording studio. With this new equipment, we will be posting and emailing interviews and video information about current topics of interest. This exciting new form of video media education will allow us to reach further than we have been able to up to now. This will also allow us to touch many who up to now did not have access to our information and programs.

STN will also continue to bring you educational programs to assist you in preparing your family for the coming changes that will affect you, your pocketbook, and perhaps your livelihood. We are in the fight, and we are fulfilling one of the primary reasons for STN’s existence. That purpose is to unite like-minded individuals in order to create a synergistic effort to shift the trajectory of the events that we all witness every day!

Thank you for being a part of the effort and the mission of STN.

Dr. Pfeiffer

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