The Master Teacher of Love Energy Vlog

8 months ago

The Master Teacher of Love Energy Vlog title is from the date May 20, 2024 thus we have33 The master Number for the Master Teacher like yeshua, Buddha Krishnaa , Qyen and Green Tara. 33 adds to six the lovers card a Harmonious Relationship, intuition and balance.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us and amplitude power of 19 thus we have the Sun in Gemini shining brightly to drive out the demons. The quality power of 8 the strength card let us be strong and brave to face our demons. The frequency average of 7.76 hertz thus we3 have # 20 the judgment card thus, we need to wake up the sleepers and be fair in you self judgment first before meeting it out to others.

Therefore, we can say: The Master Teacher schooled the lovers about the Sun and Judgement that is needed to free us at last. I puled a card from hte divine abundance oracle deck. It was the Sanctity card Through offering even the mundane problems can become sacrement.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure New site:
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FCB was just doing a rant on M. Giles so decided to not share it not that I like giles .

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