Chicken, cheese and Asparagus .. learn to cook!

8 months ago

Watch the original here
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My recipe ...
1 chicken breast
season with sea salt and pepper
all inside the breast.
add a little lemon zest.
2 add 50 grams of ham, whatever you like or what ever is best deal on the day.
3 add a slice (or 2) of Gouda cheese, up to you how cheese you like.
4 peel 3 stems of Asparagus and place between the cheese
5 sprinkle the top with a bit of paprika, you chose hot, smoked or plain.
6 baste with a cube of chicken stock dissolved in 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil.(enough to cover 4-6 breasts)

place in the pan top side up and cook till the look you want .190C for 2-3 mins (turn off the pan when placed)
then flip over, and place in preheated oven at 180C for 12 mins.

Let rest for 5 mins and serve.

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