Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Doctors Get Lucrative Incentives for Letting Patients Get COVID Vaccine

9 months ago

05/19/2024 McCullough Foundation: Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed startling figures on the bribery scheme that led to doctors everywhere pushing COVID-mRNA shots onto their patients. The figures expose the staggering earnings that doctors received for pushing the experimental injections. McCullough explained that the COVID vaccines are actually still government property and the government is the driving force behind vaccine promotion.
05/19/2024 麦卡洛基金会:知名心脏病专家彼得·麦卡洛最近披露了一个令人震惊的贿赂计划的数据,该计划让各地的医生向他们的患者推销新冠mRNA疫苗。这些数据揭露了医生们因推行这些实验性疫苗而获得了惊人的收入。麦卡洛解释说,新冠疫苗实际上仍然是政府财产,而政府是疫苗推广的背后推手。

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