Trump Persecution Tyranny

4 months ago

Thomas Jefferson warned of ther tyranny of the judiciary. It is here in the U.S., big time. The attacks on President Trump by the Biden orchestrated "Justice" Dept. are just what the Founders and Framers so feared. The idea that podunk DA's from local entities could derail a Presidential election is communism. From Biden on down, the U.S. is dealing with people who hate the country, there Constitution and its people. It has been unthinkable to every President to try to put their opponent in jail by corruptly using the Justice Dept., though Obama no doubt is involved in this as well. The Democrats can't win without cheating, they have no morals or ethics and aren't bothered at all by breaking the law or ignoring the Constitution. Biden has proven that by opening the border and going ahead with his votes buying scheme of paying off student loans, despite the Supreme Court telling him he can't do so. These despots are lawless, again, all they care about is power. They don't even consider coming up with ideas the people might vote for.
President Ronald Reagan offered a solution on how to defeat this evil when he brought down communism in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. He told the blunt truth about the Soviet Union, calling it the "evil empire" and calling them liars and cheaters. The he economically undermined them and built up the defenses that would overwhelm the Soviets. The truth has to be told about the Democrat Party by Republicans, but they overall have been too weak to do so, and don't seem to have a clue how to undermine the Democrat Party or even see thed need to do so. Our country is on the line, it's past time for the Republicans to step up.

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