Grim Sleeper

10 months ago

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Lyrics: Spintown
Music & Vocals: Joe Romero

This was written for Nur Ein XIX Round 1. The challenge included making the title of your song "Is This A Joke To You?", and the lyrics had to contain a joke with a punchline.

In Minecraft my skin has been a Grim Reaper skin for more than a decade. While trying to think of a joke, the first thing that popped into my head was a very dad like joke.

What do you call Spintown when he's sleeping?

A Grim Sleeper!

I asked my Discord the question, and when I gave the answer it got the reaction a bad dad joke would get. BUT there is no time to waste, so I ran with the idea & tried to work the joke into some lyrics.

One thing that happens a lot in Bed Wars is you can get camped or camp someone. In solos (which is what I main) I camp a lot of people. Sometimes I'll just go motionless & unresponsive in hopes they will put themselves into a vulnerable situation thinking that maybe I went afk. When they do...I snap to attention & react. That's what the song is about. Me camping & maybe falling asleep (going afk) in game, and the playing out of the game.

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