Quit Trying To Calculate Your Way out of Debt! | May 20, 2024

Streamed on:

The Ramsey Show (May 15, 2024)

Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss:
"Should I improve the property that I'm renting from my family?"
"Should I wait for my ex to pay off debt in my name that he was court ordered to pay?"
How to know if you should keep repairing a vehicle or if it's time to upgrade
"How do I use EveryDollar with irregular income?"
A caller that finds out on air that he's finally a millionaire
"My boss hasn't paid me the last three pay checks but I'm concerned the company will go under if I leave"
"I have $360k in debt, just found out I'm having a baby, and I don't know what to do"
Rabbi Daniel Lapin joins to discuss his new book, The Holistic You
"I'm restarting my life after a divorce - can I afford to put 10% down on a house?"

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