Creating Dwy galon, un dyhead – 14-07-20 (Sold)

10 months ago

A Commissioned Piece

This pastel drawing ‘Dwy Galon, Un Dyhead – 14-07-20 (Sold)’ is a commissioned piece. The welsh art collector already bought ‘A Day at the Beach – 16-03-19 (Sold)’. He also bought ‘Estate Oosterbeek – 17-03-15 (Sold)’ and ‘Estate Oosterbeek – 15-07-14 (Sold)’. You may call him a true collector and I am grateful every day to have my art hang in his premises. One time he mailed me with the request to do something special. He and his wife own a cottage in Wales. They must have thought of a pastel drawing in the style of the Oosterbeek pastels. Hence the request to make one. Yeah, another challenge I gladly picked up.

Something Different from Trees and Women

I never did a cottage, Usually it is either trees or women. It is often with commissions like these that I come to study things I normally do not make. Strutinizing the structure of the stones brought me a lot. Totally different from dutch bricks that are backed off in industrial furnaces. These structures are more irregular, almost organic looking. You could say that the main objective was to keep a sturdy look on the cottage. The eventual goal was to picture an iconic image of the countryside and its rural aspects. Simply fine detailing it to the max just wouldn’t do. It would not have conveyed the rough romantic edge that comes with living outside a city. That’s easier said than done by me as a city dweller. Upon my word, I never had the pleasure to be in an actual country house like this one.

Artistic Approach

Executing this one in pastel wasn’t very difficult. Quickly I got perspectives right. The stones weren’t much of a problem really. Flowery structures were. Not because of my capability of capturing them but the level of abstraction. At all costs didn’t I want them to draw too much attention. Only slightly indicate them by some swirly strokes. Hence they came late in the game, after all diagonal hatched strokes had been laid. A fun project!

Pastel drawing on Canson Mi-Teintes Touch paper (47 x 62 x 0.1 cm)
Artist: Corné Akkers

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