10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 14)

9 months ago

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1pm Pacific time.

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
1. 0:01 {Jesus Supporting Violence?} Why does Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords? Is this Jesus supporting violence in self-defense?
2. 22:23 {Overcome by Strong Delusion?} In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, when the antichrist is revealed, God will send a strong delusion to those who refused to be saved. Will everyone who has heard the Gospel but not repented be overcome by it?
3. 27:50 {What is “Coarse Joking”?} How do we know what coarse joking is (Ephesians 4: 29, 5: 20)? My teen's Christian friends often joke about being LGBTQ and getting high or drunk. Is this a freedom issue, or is this sinful? How should a teen respond?
4. 34:48 {Led by the Spirit vs. our Own Feelings} My mom changed her name recently. She felt God was giving her a new name. She often feels led by the Spirit where I don't agree. Any advice for those times, and should I introduce her by new name?
5. 42:53 {The Unrighteous Entering the Millennium?} In the Premillennial view, who are the unrighteous (not saved) that enter into the Millennium? During the sheep/goats judgment, it seems like all the goats get sent to their eternity in Hell.
6. 45:46 {God Taking someone to Avoid Apostasy?} Is there any precedent for God taking home a believer before he might fall away? I Kings 14: 13 says some good was found in Jeroboam’s son.
7. 50:31 {Will We Remember “The Bad” in Eternity?} Can you go into detail as to what Isaiah 65: 17 means by “not remembered” and the “nor come to mind” part? I was told it meant literal memory loss and that scares me. I want to remember even the bad.
8. 55:01 {The Most Pressing Issue for Deconstructionists} What do you believe is the most pressing issue for deconstructionists?
9. 1:02:51 {Advice for When We’re Exhausted} Do you have any advice for someone who is spiritually and physically exhausted (like Elijah in 1 Kings 19)?
10. 1:11:40 {Standing Firm for Christ at Work} My work environment is very vulgar and toxic. It's "easier" for me to blend in and not honor Christ with my language and attitude. How can I have more confidence and not give in?
BONUS Q! 1:14:55 {Is All Pain Bad?} My 8 year old, Ben wants to know: If there is no pain in Heaven, will there be hot sauce? Sounds funny, but makes you think.

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I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything. My website

The Sean McDowell teaching on hearing from God.

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