Groktoberfest Micro-Interview with Jim Kofalt

9 months ago

"What is the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH?"

Last October, we had our first Groktoberfest as a time for Conservatarian (Conservative & Libertarian) activists to come together to yak, eat (held at the Londonderry Fish and Game Club), and listen to a few people tell us their stories...

...and when I announced my semi-retirement from the 'Grok I had founded due to family issues that HAD to take priority. With that I went into that Quiet Night. My keyboard went silent. So that's why it has taken seven months to process and put this (and those that follow) video clip up.

Given that it was about GraniteGrok and the 18 years we've been serving NH, the question was, "WHY had these folks been drawn to the opinions, political activism, and investigations we had done over the years?"

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