Toddler's Stunt Goes Wrong When Cardboard Box Attacks Him

6 years ago

Every once in a great while I wish that I had the irrational confidence of a small child. They believe in themselves so much that you almost want them to do the incredibly dumb thing that they are about to do. Just imagine how much we could potentially accomplish if we had that kind of confidence. Or don’t, we might end up just end up being rich but terrible people. Hmm, this one needs some thought. Of course, if we had the irrational confidence of a toddler we might be doing some incredibly stupid things.

The little boy in this video is trying to show off for his mom. His stunt involves jumping into a box while on a mattress. That is pretty much the whole trick. Part of the box is hanging off the edge of the bed. The boy’s first leap lands him in the box safe and sound. But then he jumps again, right on to the part of the box that is hanging off the mattress. Of course, this does not work out well for the toddler as he finds himself on the other end of physics.

The box flips up throwing the boy to the floor but the box keeps going. It completely flips over and off the bed landing over the boy. Suddenly, the boy has disappeared and is totally hidden by the box. The boy’s mom starts cracking up and you can hear the boy laughing from underneath his cardboard shelter. Eventually, he dramatically kicks the box off of him and grins up at his mom. Who knows what the kid was trying to attempt but everything turned out funny and fun for boy and mom. Worth it.

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