Export License Fines: The Politics and Impact on Security Business

8 months ago

But the one place we could not We couldn't litigate was on export licenses because if we if we Litigated they would stop all export licenses and it would stop the business because you have to be able to export Body armor or a helmet or a gun to do a security or training job and so they stuck us with the highest per capita fine and even in their study they acknowledge that there was no actual export of No damage to national security So what they ended up finding for was exporting helmets body armor plates etc So if we're working for the State Department Diplomatic Security another part of the State Department does the licensing called Defense Trade Controls and they're kind of moving at their own pace And so we have a license into them to export stuff for our guys which the Diplomatic Security Service is demanding I need fifty guys in this town Iraq you know next week go go go My license is It hasn't come back I'm not going to send these guys naked Yeah we sent the body armor We sent the helmets And they fined us like five hundred thousand dollars per helmet That kind of nonsense It was just politics So I started the business as a way to stay connected to the community I loved and to serve my country and to just repeatedly kicked in the head

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