Man Crashes Bike Down Snowy Hill

6 years ago

Before I saw this video, somehow it never occurred to me that you could ride your bike in the snow. I just always assumed I would wreck. Admittedly, this clip does not help that assumption at all considering the guy completely wipes out. We never see what happens to his friend, though, who might have been able to stay upright all the way down the hill. Of course, this might all be wishful thinking on my part.

We should not be surprised that there are snow tires that exist for bikes. A few articles we read as research for this stated that you should actually use an older bike for winter travel. This is mostly because in the winter the snow kicks up a lot of gravel and grit that can damage the chains and suspension on the bike. It is kind of like living near the beach. You’ll need to rinse off the grit otherwise it’ll corrode the bike. Snow tires, though, can be surprisingly expensive. We saw sets online that started at $100. That said, they are somewhat necessary.

Analysis: The guy hit the first hill fairly decently. However, when he comes through the flat part of the hill, you can see him start to slip. You can see a few tracks in the snow already. I think he caught his tire one of the tracks and tried to get out of it. This caused him to start to lose control of his bike then the inevitable crash happened. A snowy hill is one of the last places you want to start getting wobbly because most people instinctually overcorrect as this guy did. You need subtler movement but that can be hard to do in the moment.

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