Tutorial 203 | Calculate Volume Ratio in RadarScreen

7 months ago

A Gold Pass member asked how it would be possible to display the Volume Ratio on RadarScreen. As you may know the standard indicator (Volume Ratio) is not available for RadarScreen because it uses the following code:

TotalTicks = UpTicks + DownTicks;
If TotalTicks > 0 then VolRatio = 100 * ( UpTicks - DownTicks ) / TotalTicks
else VolRatio = 0;
VolRatioAvg = XAverage( VolRatio, AvgLength );
and UpTicks and DownTicks return zero in RadarScreen.

Tutorial 203 demonstrates a couple of ways that volume ratio can be displayed in RadarScreen.

The first way uses a program applied to a chart which calculates the Volume Ratio and then uses the Global Dictionary to share the data with a receiving program applied to RadarScreen.

The second way uses a Price Series Provider to calculate Volume Ratio within RadarScreen.

See https://markplex.com/free-tutorials/tutorial-203-calculate-volume-ratio-in-radarscreen/

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