From 1 Million to 100 Million Subscribers: The Insane Reality of Fame

5 months ago

Like was there a time you went out and you're like oh well you know the interesting thing about that is which is something I've learned more recently is there's definitely like levels to to like fame or you know that no one really categorizes it because like there's like When I had like a million subscribers I could go into Walmart and maybe one out of ten times I go to Walmart will take a photo which that is great It's very validating Those are the best ones like oh I made it This is like real humans It's not pixels on a screen And then you get hypothetically somewhere around ten million subscribers And every time you go Walmart at least one person is going to notice you And that's still like where fun like you go there and like yeah you know you're a photo if you're with a friend It's like look like my work's validating And like and most people's heads that's where it cuts off And then that's where I was probably like three or four years ago And like this is fine What do these people complain about Like fame's not that bad But then like there's a big difference between ten million subscribers and a hundred million subscribers and a hundred millions where OK you're not taking one you're taking like seven eight nine Someone's following you out to your car Occasionally someone follows you home because like holy shit like where does he live And it's like It gets lot crazier People randomly come to your house It's like it's it's not it feels like it's not ten times crazier It's like thirty times crazier because it's not only do you have ten times more fans but now a lot of people who aren't your fans also know you and you even have like I have this five minute rule Like if I take a photo with someone I usually have to leave that location in five minutes because they'll post on Snapchat or Instagram and then all their friends come and it gets like crazy and there's lines Yeah there's just a lot of people and it's even weird things like one time was in a Target I just stopped by to buy toothbrush real quick because whatever It's a long story want to get into but I needed one and I was like this will take like three seconds I kid you not I walk in someone asked for photo I took it just go to the toothbrush out And when I'm checking out a kid just runs in the front door and he's like It's real And like what And he's like there's a discord that tracks your location And I thought it was it was fake But it said you were here And I had to show me And like any time I like someone tagged me an Instagram photo or anything it would like load up there And then people would use it to figure out where I'm at so they could like try to find me And that was like that That's stuff that doesn't happen when you have ten million subscribers

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