Why does Xi Jinping work with Serbia to build a community with a shared future?

7 months ago

5/8/2024 Why does Xi Jinping work with Serbia to build a community with a shared future? Mr. Miles Guo had already revealed in 2022 that the CCP's aggressive plans in Serbia aimed to strangle NATO. The CCP sending HQ missiles to Serbia would drag the Chinese people into hell!
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #Serbia #XiJinping #MilesGuo
5/8/2024 习近平为何与塞尔维亚共同构建命运共同体?郭文贵先生早在2022年就爆料,中共在塞尔维亚的疯狂布局意在扼住北约的咽喉。中共把红旗导弹送到塞尔维亚会把中国人拖向地狱!
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #中共 #塞尔维亚 #习近平 #郭文贵

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