The Evolution of My Addictions: From Strategy Games to YouTube

8 months ago

And like those are more of the things going in my head Like what will the future be How do I build towards that And school is never really a part of it which is kind of waste of time to be honest Yeah yeah So by the way are there any obsessions that people don't know about So like strategy games I think people don't know that Baseball people that in your biography and obviously YouTube takes over pretty young Is there anything else that you got hooked on at some point in your life Yeah you know what's interesting is the only thing that actually stayed for fifteen years was YouTube Everything else comes in comes out but that's a lot of like When I was like fifteen there's this online game where you like build bases and then you attack other people's bases and you build more And like I got so hooked on that I I had no money but I found a way where you could like buy this hundred dollar tablet tablet and like emulate a phone on there And so I had like twenty emulations of phone so I have twenty different accounts And I was probably playing like ten hours a day But yeah it was it was crazy because I was basically account at that high of a level at the game would take like all your brain power I was playing like twenty different ones so I'd have like a kingdom and then all the kingdoms around it and then my entire clan would just like the at one point for a brief period it's because it's very pay to win so I couldn't do it forever because I didn't have money I was like the number one clan in the world on this like game of thrones or game award type game and it was just me and then all my alt accounts I was just like Constantly throughout the day just moving troops everything Even in school I just like have to go use the bathroom and like make sure wasn't attacked So that was like the first crazy addiction for strategy game But then yeah I mean probably like twenty or thirty other ones It's like after you kind of get bored You move on to the next one Does that ever cause problems for you Because obviously YouTube is your main obsession now And it's a very productive thing for you

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