America in Danger 18 May 2024

9 months ago

In segment #1, Robert and John talk about the laughable Biden debate challange and the infantile restrictions Biden has demanded. We also discuss the Biden lies on the economy and how his claim of having inherited 9% inflation (it was actually 1.4%) and other lies on the economy simply don't fly, except maybe with his most braindead followers.

In Segment 2 we talk about the memory hole swallowing the whole Epstein Island pedophile ring and the hundreds of U.S. and Foreign politicians, judges, corporate heads, and other assorted perverts who are now owned and controlled by U.S. intelligence agencies holding the pics and videos.

In segment 3 We talk about the two centuries of oil still available in the U.S. and how the whole green scam push is a misguided and evil effort to control.

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