Clif High - Detox Aluminum

4 months ago

Hello, humans. Hello, humans. Saturday, May 18. It's probably around 10 in the morning. I wandered out to do some more cleanup out here. I'm cleaning up my... area that's been where all the stumps and stuff had been removed so that we could actually start building. We'll see how soon that actually occurs.
Anybody's guess really, you know, you get involved with government permits and stuff anyway. So about aluminum oxide and the chelation of it out of the body. Aluminum is not a heavy metal. Okay. So heavy metal techniques will not work now they work half-assed but because some of
the aluminum will actually bind with some of the heavy metals in the body but the best way to get at aluminum is through the electrically active supplements that you can take so vitamin C and vitamin E to a lesser extent vitamin A
But vitamin A would actually aid the extraction of aluminum in the area of the eyes and so on. But the vitamin E and C are highly electrically active in different ways. So almost all vitamins are left-hand molecules. Vitamin E is a right-hand molecule. The best way to do aluminum detox, in my opinion,
is to use vitamin E that's derived from wheat germ oil. or to use the oil itself. And then you have to do another component of this, which is the, you have to take pectin. Okay. Apple pectin, modified citrus pectin. It doesn't really matter much,
but you need to get some pectin through your gut so that the stuff that the aluminum that's bound up with the vitamins will end up going, being excreted, right? Otherwise it'll just sit in your gut. It'll eventually break down again and the aluminum will recirculate. So not a good situation, right?
Because aluminum is not like a heavy metal. Once it's deactivated, so to speak, in terms of its ionic potential, whatever that has done that, it's bound to it, and it'll be treated as inert. If the stuff that it's bound to is not repellent to the body to the point that the body wants to excrete it,
it'll just sit there. So, you know, things like lead, if you get them bound up with stuff in like IP6 or something, the body wants to get rid of them at that stage, right? It doesn't consider them to be a neutral substance. But vitamin C that's bound to, or excuse me, that's, yeah,
vitamin C bound to aluminum or vitamin E bound to aluminum are considered neutral substances more or less by the body. And, you know, there's no real active substance. mechanism to get rid of them unless you provide the pectin in the gut. If you use modified citrus pectin,
it's modified because they take these long pectin molecules and chunk it all up to an appropriate size that it can actually interact with the blood and the blood plasma and also draw out these materials that way. Now, if you use IP6 to do this, it's a good chelator.
But be advised, it also takes out copper and zinc and iron. But so you'll have to, especially if you're male, but everybody, you'll have to supplement copper and zinc. There's no real need to supplement iron in our society. And if you do, you can cause yourself issues because too much iron can cause cancer.
Hemochromatosis is the name of it as a condition. It's not a disease per se. There is a genetic predisposition, but again, it's not a disease. Okay, so let me see. There are other things you could do. For instance, you know, if you ate non-commercial breads, made your own bread with flour that didn't contain aluminum,
you could eat a lot of bread and flush your gut that way. The pectin is easier, in my opinion, and more thorough because of the nature of the molecule. So you need to do that periodically. That periodically aspect of it has to be nearly continuous. The periosity of it should be low cycle. Hang on a second. No.
Come. Sorry about that. Dog had to be told. Yes, you're a good girl, sweetie. Don't mess with that. Yes, you're a beastie. Let's see. What else? I think that's really about it for aluminum. It's nasty stuff. They're going to be keeping pumping it into you via the chemtrails. The more we focus on chemtrails,
the more we make chemtrails an issue on social media, the more we use that word, the more the algo is affected and the more the powers that be are affected, right? Because they monitor these algos and how they're reacting to the language they're picking up.
And so it's wise to use that term repeatedly just to keep screwing with the algos and keep putting pressure on the Elohim worship cult that monitors them. And so we can, every time you use the word chemtrails, you're adding to the base of the consensus, so to speak. And that's what, to a certain extent,
that's what these algos are attempting to manipulate, to groom, you know, to shape. So you actually alter the behavior of the algos in... doing your behavior in a deliberate fashion in a particular way. So whenever you can mention chemtrails, it's probably wise to do so. The more pressure we keep on them,
this is yet another aspect that drains their resources away from their political aims of conquering the planet. And so So you're actually, you know, fighting the infiltration of the Western republics by bringing chemtrails up in your social media posts and keeping the context factual and accurate and constant.
Every time you mention them, just, you know, they're a fact. If you're in denial, that's okay. Call somebody a chemtrail denier. You know, they call them climate deniers, so let's call them chemtrail deniers and put it back on them that way. And we can use the same passive-aggressive techniques that they do.
So anyway, and this alters the algorithms and how they deal with all of us. They'll have to try and ratchet it down. And then at some point, they're going to have to start actively combating the the algo shift in terms of chemtrail um understanding within the normies and at
that point you know you've won and then you can direct them anywhere you want to go uh but you know we're in charge now uh we just have to be uh consistent and factual and uh we will triumph So it'll be good to get rid of the chemtrails. We've only got a couple of them up here today.
It looks like a light haze is forming. I think I've noticed a change in their patterns since we've come into May, which is Chemtrail Awareness Month. I think that that actually has made a difference in their spraying activities. So we'll see. We'll see. You know, Tennessee has banned them. And, oh, geez,
you pass a law and all of a sudden all the chemtrails go away and you have, you know, beautiful clear days and all of this. And every other state around you is boxed in with, you know, gray aluminum skies. So, anyway, keep up the pressure, guys. We're slowly winning all this stuff.
We've got a lot of crap to overcome. But it'll be interesting to root around in all of it and find out, you know, who were the participants and how it actually went down. Okay, looks like I've got to go help the dog fight the neighbors. So, talk to you guys later.

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!


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