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So Over 100,000+ UN Troops Being Brought In To U.S.A. As Migrant Refugees
So Over 100,000+ United Nations Troops Already In U.S.A. Now As Planned For Enforcing The Disease X Lockdowns In Late Oct. 2024. From Your U.S. Government... You Will All Get Your Covid-X Shot's This Time Or You Will Die ! Period ! Biden Cum On Man. The southern border of the United States is wide open, and the Federal government has been conducting a wide-scale criminal operation of flooding the country with unvetted foreigners, distributing them across the United States, and providing them with homes and financial support. The GOP’s talking point has been that this is all about election fraud, but this has been happening all across the Western world for over a decade. This is something far more sinister than election fraud.
The Population Division of the United Nations concerns themselves with international migration. In the year 2000, they published Replacement Migration, a solution put forth to deal with declining and ageing populations. For years we were told that this was a conspiracy theory, but now that we are seeing tens of millions murdered by the experimental shots, it is becoming more clear what the objective is.
We are told that these are poor families fleeing tyranny, but there are massive amounts of healthy young men without any families. And time and time again we have seen them act violently against the native population, with very little repercussions from the law. As we are expecting the announcement of Disease X, and another lockdown, a recent report from the UK’s Jim Ferguson provides a plausible explanation of what we are seeing.
“This isn't normal. There's something not right. This isn't just refugees coming, these aren’t people fleeing from some kind of war zone. These are predominantly men aged between 25 and 35, young fighting age man, as my old boss, Nigel Farage once referred to them. And I think he's right. John, what do you think's going on here mate?” ~ Jim Ferguson
“So I can tell you, these are UN soldiers and they will be deployed by the W.H.O. when they announce the next pandemic lockdown. That's what's going to happen. They've been trained by British soldiers. Been trained by the Black Watch Regiment. They were trained in Antalya, in Turkey, and in the east of Ukraine. They're predominantly down to sergeant ranks. They're then shipped to France. They all signed the Official Secrets Act, then they're ferried over. If you were fleeing war and tyranny, I don't know about you, but I would certainly take my wife and children with me. The most precious, They're my prized asset, you know, they're everything to me. If you're going to war, you go to war with lads. They gonna be deployed, they will be deployed.” ~ John O' Looney
“John, I mean you say you spoke to people in the Black Watch. I mean, Black Watch, a very famous yellow regiment. Are they actually going along with this?” ~ Jim Ferguson
"They've got no choice. I kind of said, you know, why are you doing it? And he said, soldiers follow orders. What you're going to see is the following, we'll have a minister somewhere in cabinets, suddenly come up with a great idea on how we're going to get these guys to contribute to help us. And they're going to put them in uniforms. A couple of people have told me these uniforms are burgundy. Others have told me they're U.N. blue. I really don't know. I guess we'll see when they deploy them. They are gonna be deployed. Because otherwise, if they announce another lockdown, what would everyone say? They'd say bollocks. And they’d go about their business wouldn’t they? They're gonna need armed young men in uniform to try and enforce it. Why did they import young men from the East? Because, traditionally, if you want to kill and tyrannize white people, you put black soldiers in. Because there's a cultural disassociation. And that's their method. That's the way these globalists are gonna do it.” ~ John O' Looney
“You know, in America, when it was a colony of the United Kingdom of Britain, there was a revolution against British colonial rule.” ~ Jim Ferguson
“That's right.” ~ John O' Looney
“And, you know, a lot of people don't realize, but it was only 3% of those people in America that overthrew the British forces and basically got rid of them. 3% of the population, John.” ~ Jim Ferguson
“I look forward to it. I'm ready, I'm ready. I can't wait because I know it's gonna be the beginning of the end for them. I do foresee victory. I see that at a very great cost. But we will see it. And people, I think the world will become closer than ever when we do see victory. It’s gonna come on the back of a load of bloodshed. And unfortunately, it has to. Once people of all colors come together and recognize their common enemy, We’ll walk over these people in ten minutes.” ~ John O' Looney
Will we ever see another pandemic lockdown? Four years ago, a mystery illness forced the residents of Wuhan into quarantine. As the WHO raises concerns about Disease X, the world may need a different approach. Four years ago today, the world witnessed the first Covid-19 lockdown, when Chinese authorities took drastic action against a mysterious new respiratory disease in the central city of Wuhan. Overnight, a metropolis of 11 million people fell silent, as strict quarantine rules kept people at home in an effort to curb the spread of the new coronavirus.
The world did not realize it at the time, but movement restrictions and mass testing were to become the norm in many countries in the months ahead. As the disease swept around the globe, entire economies were rocked to their core. Offices and schools closed, international aviation ground to a halt and scientists went into top gear in their efforts to find a vaccine.
No one wants to relive those times, but the reality is that Covid-19 was not an aberration in human history. Pandemics have always been with us and despite our increasing ability to come up with treatments, another virus in the mound of Sars‑CoV‑2 is always a possibility. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, was right when he told the World Economic Forum last week that it was not alarmist to understand that such an illness – dubbed “Disease X” – had to be prepared for now, not when it strikes.
To fulfill their increasingly complex mandates, U.N. peacekeepers need the skills to build trust with vulnerable communities. When the 1948 Arab-Israeli War ended in a cease-fire agreement, the international community recognized that an independent monitoring mechanism offered the best chance of maintaining the fragile peace process. And so, 75 years ago this week, the U.N. peacekeepers were deployed for the first time. Their mission in that conflict would become the template for U.N. peacekeeping operations for decades to come: Bringing stability to tenuous and uncertain post-conflict environments.
U.N. peacekeepers reflect an international desire to see peace processes succeed in the long term. And their trademark blue helmets have become synonymous with a global commitment to protect civilians, provide life-saving humanitarian aid and secure an end to conflicts around the world.
However, the end of the Cold War marked a new era for U.N. peacekeeping. Their mandate was no longer limited to security and assistance — peacekeeping now meant everything from election monitoring to facilitating negotiations between belligerents. The environments that peacekeepers were deployed to shifted as well, with more missions in active combat zones than ever before. Today, peacekeepers are tasked with a vast array of responsibilities that far exceed those of their predecessors.
Unfortunately, the training given to U.N. peacekeepers has not kept up with these expanding mandates. Without a better understanding of the “soft skills” required to be a modern peacekeeper, U.N. peacekeeping is now plagued by a number of challenges that make their continued success increasingly difficult.
With the celebration of International Peacekeeper Day this week, this moment is an excellent opportunity for peacekeeping trainers to reflect on how they can prepare solutions that meet the persistent challenges of peacekeeping, from pre-deployment training to active mission.
Persistent Challenges
Peacekeepers are trained soldiers — often well-rehearsed and equipped with tactical gear, skills and protocols. However, some peacekeeping missions continue to struggle with community trust, which in turn leads to informational gaps that rebel groups utilize to their advantage. The tragic loss of life that can result among both peacekeepers and civilians is, as is the case with all wars, avoidable.
Peacekeeping mission effectiveness has also been tainted by multiple, recurring sexual exploitation and abuse incidents where peacekeepers have sometimes been directly implicated. Moreover, the intense nature of conflict environments puts troops under stress, adding one more layer of interpersonal conflict within the peacekeeping mission battalions themselves.
These different challenges chip away at mission effectiveness. To thrive and effectively fulfill their mandate to protect civilians, peacekeepers require an entirely different, complementary set of skills and dispositions that empower them to better assess needs and interests, build trust, communicate with care, and manage conflict nonviolently. The future well-being and safety of peacekeepers and the communities they protect depend on new training solutions to persistent training challenges.
"Soft” Skills are Core Skills
The key issue peacekeepers confront during complex missions, according to recently deployed MONUSCO troops who met with USIP during a workshop in Malawi, is the mistrust peacekeepers face from civilians. Troop deployments are usually brief, which makes deep community engagement and collaborative problem-solving between a new battalion and the community difficult and gives less time for trust-building. When troops are not empowered during pre-deployment with comprehensive training in what are often called “soft skills,” it becomes all the more difficult.
Since its introduction in the 1960s, this term has continued to mislead generations into thinking that little effort is needed to acquire these skills and, as a result, less time is assigned to training on skills such as communication, conflict analysis and management, and collaborative problem-solving.
Peacekeeping used to be associated with missions deploying to post-conflict contexts. Increasingly, however, more and more peacekeepers are sent to countries with active, on-going conflicts. This may tempt troop contributing countries’ (TCC) military training leadership to relegate these skills even further. Our experience, however, shows that the more complex the environment for peacekeepers, the more vital these soft skills become. Amid conflict, peacekeepers need to be able to deal with each other in a positive manner, and to access the vulnerable communities they are mandated to protect.
In one example, peacekeepers returning from a MONUSCO mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo told USIP that they noticed Allied Democratic Forces rebels were broadcasting misinformation, claiming that the peacekeeping mission was intended to hurt civilians and not protect them. “Train and equip” initiatives would create more harm than good if they do not also train and equip peacekeepers with the interpersonal tools required to clearly and calmly explain their mandate and show an openness to listen to concerns and a willingness to engage in dialogue in order to combat this misinformation.
The most recurrent post-deployment lesson we hear from troops and military instructors is how important it is for every single soldier to receive training in nonviolent approaches to protecting civilians. That involves building their capacity to analyze conflict quickly and effectively (which is particularly important for brief deployments), to engage in dialogue, to negotiate and mediate, to better understand and explain their mission mandate, and to approach new cultural environments with humility.
This simple approach builds on self-reflection and the recognition that different cultures are not superior or inferior, creating the potential for a shift in mindset and disposition among peacekeepers that can help build trust and produce connections that saves lives. “Soft” skills are actually core skills, at the heart of saving the lives of civilians and peacekeepers alike.
Instructor-Centered Training Does Not Promote Learning And Over the past 15 years, USIP has trained nearly 36,000+ peacekeepers from 24 countries and presided over the pedagogical committee of the International Association of Peacekeeping Centers to focus on learning innovations and best practice. Our in-depth assessment of training around nonviolent approaches to conflict management and protection of civilians for peacekeepers has revealed that it is crucial for peacekeeping training centers and organizations to revisit not only their training content to emphasize the value of communication skills and other nonviolent conflict management tools, but the approach to training delivery as well to ensure learning is successfully achieved.
The central issue is how pre-deployment training is designed by most TCCs. Though they try to follow the core pre-deployment training materials of the U.N., many TCC military instructors have not been exposed to shared, experiential learning approaches that are specifically designed for adult learners.
This is often because military training is designed to instill and reinforce military hierarchical dynamics. How we learn as adults, however, is heavily impacted by how much the experiences we come in with are valued and built upon in an interactive, collaborative environment that encourages critical engagement with and application of new concepts and frameworks. In the absence of awareness of how such learning can be perfectly calibrated to promote a creative, dynamic learning environment and preserve the required protocols and hierarchy, many military institutions stick to a traditional instructor-centric course format.
USIP has found that the very design of training delivery has to reflect the desired outcomes. If peacekeepers need to be able to quickly assess how to diffuse a conflict that involves civilians, they must be exposed to interactive, collaborative, problem-solving scenarios that help them make use of these new approaches to nonviolent conflict management. These scenarios should also be designed with a civilian lens to ensure that they realistically reflect the power dynamics and risks civilians experience when dealing with armed troops.
Talking at learners about the concepts without giving them an opportunity actually apply these interpersonal skills — just as they are given the opportunity to practice tactical maneuvers or evasive driving — does not promote the kind of learning that sticks. Practice and interaction in the pre-deployment training context allow for better application and an improved reaction time in-mission.
This is especially important when it comes to international human rights law. For peacekeepers to succeed in their missions, it’s not enough for them to just learn about the principles of international human rights law. They need to understand how to uphold those principles as part of their modus operandi when faced with situations that require quick decision-making in conflict zones.
Strengthening the Foundation
Peacekeeping missions have used troops from more than 100 countries across the globe, and these troops all come from national armies that have their own training strengths and deficiencies (which inevitably affect mission success). Transforming an individual from a national army soldier into a peacekeeper over the span of 12 weeks is not an easy feat given the amount of new mission-specific learning they have to acquire. Instructors at peacekeeper training centers also often offer training year-long in their national army training academies as well.
Peacekeeping missions’ success depends heavily on the quality of training peacekeepers receive, which in turn are impacted by the foundational training approaches and content they had been exposed to prior to becoming a peacekeeper. A serious commitment by the international community to support pedagogical capacity-building for TCC military instructors at the basic recruit training level is key to improving troop readiness at other levels.
Future of the Blue Helmet
Successful engagement with all actors in the peacekeeping mission would require peacekeepers to have well-developed cross-cultural skills, attitudes and dispositions that may seem at odds with traditional military training. However, the future of the blue helmet depends on the continuing effectiveness of peacekeeping missions, which, in increasingly complex conflicts, cannot be guaranteed without collaborative problem-solving, community engagement and nonviolent conflict management as well as a good understanding of mission mandates and human rights.
Globalists in the Power Elite working through the United Nations are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as "Agenda 21."
Considered a "conspiracy theory" by the Mainstream Media and other apologists of globalization, the flagship term for Agenda 21 "sustainable development" crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda 21 really just a "theory"?
The UN says "sustainable development" is simply the "Environmental Movement" reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it's the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian World Government. So what's the real agenda behind Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It was adopted by more than 178 countries at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. Agenda 21 aims to build a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment. Its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets aim at eradicating poverty in all forms and achieving gender equality. The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st century.
Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.
Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992.
The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of UNCED, to monitor and report on implementation of the agreements at the local, national, regional and international levels. It was agreed that a five year review of Earth Summit progress would be made in 1997 by the United Nations General Assembly meeting in special session.
The full implementation of Agenda 21, the Programmed for Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Commitments to the Rio principles, were strongly reaffirmed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 26 August to 4 September 2002.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Preamble
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what these did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.
The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet:
We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.
We are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations.
We are determined to ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.
We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.
We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people.
The interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals are of crucial importance in ensuring that the purpose of the new Agenda is realized. If we realize our ambitions across the full extent of the Agenda, the lives of all will be profoundly improved and our world will be transformed for the better.
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DECLARATION For 2030 Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development Wide World Now. Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.
2016 Report on the World Social Situation
Humankind has achieved unprecedented social progress over the past several decades. Poverty has declined dramatically around the world and people are healthier, more educated and better connected than ever before. However, this progress has been uneven. Social and economic inequalities persist and, in many cases, have worsened. Virtually everywhere, some individuals and groups confront barriers that prevent them from fully participating in economic, social and political life.
Against this backdrop, inclusiveness and shared prosperity have emerged as core aspirations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A central pledge contained in the 2030 Agenda is to ensure that no one will be left behind and to see all goals and targets met for all nations, peoples and for all parts of society, endeavoring to reach the furthest behind first.
The focus of the 2030 Agenda on inclusiveness underscores the need to identify who is being left behind and in what ways. This is what the Report on the World Social Situation 2016 sets out to do. Specifically, the report contains an examination of the patterns of social exclusion and consideration of whether development processes have been inclusive, with particular attention paid to the links between exclusion, poverty and employment trends. Key challenges to social inclusion are highlighted along with policy imperatives to promote it. It is recognized in the report that promoting inclusion will take time and political determination. Raising awareness about the consequences of leaving some people behind and recommending actions that Governments can take to avoid doing so can help generate political will.
Download Full Report (PDF)
UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up -
UN New Legal Principles Launched On International Women’s and Trans Women Day to advance decriminalization efforts In March 2023, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally. Principle 16, titled "consensual sexual conduct," stated that sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual. The principles were the product of a 2018 workshop between the three organizations and developed over the next five years based on feedback and reviews from a range of experts and stakeholders. The principles did not call for the abolishment of any minimum age of consent, but rather that criminal laws should not be biased in favor of any sex/gender, or age of consent to marriage. Most US states set the age of consent at 16, with Arizona, North Dakota, Oregon, and Virginia setting theirs at 15, so adults in most US states are already legally allowed to have sex with children/adolescents, as per UN definition.
The International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) along with UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) officially launched a new set of expert jurist legal principles to guide the application of international human rights law to criminal law.
Click on the links below for the full story and or Type it into a Web Base Search !
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical U.S.A. Government And Death To The Unvaccinated America People And American Nation CDC director says coronavirus outbreak ‘becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated’ How the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated people of the world for a Darwinian perspective. As of 27 May 2023, the 10 leading causes of death accounted for 74.5% of all U.S. deaths in 2021, according to the NVSS. The US has recorded more than 47.7 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 771,500 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data. The global total for COVID-19 cases and deaths is more than 257.8 million cases and 5.15 million deaths, according to the CDC. More than 196 million Americans, 59.1% of the population, are fully vaccinated. The disease was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 people in 2020, accounting for 11.3% of deaths, according to the CDC. P.S. Exposing U.S.A. Gov. Their Lies!
Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for No Reason A New Bioweapon ? -
A New Bioweapon Globally As Of This Date 16 March 2023, there have been 760,360,956 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,873,477 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 14 March 2023, a total of 13,232,904,667 vaccine doses have been administered. 6,033,218 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines with 4,358 Fetal Deaths in U.S. as of July 4 2022 -To date, the coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) pandemic has taken more than 6.8 million lives. Many of these deaths have been attributed to misleading information that fragmented a coordinated effort to mitigate loss of life.
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
The unvaccinated are a risk to all of us. Why COVID-19 Shot Is Not Safe ? Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ?
U.S. Government said and or told Us - We The People - COVID-19 Shot Are Safe ? LIE's ? So Per the Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ? Paraquat Pot ? 1920 Poisoned Alcohol ? Now Mandatory COVID-19 Shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients all part of a series of massive government cover-ups.
True Story How US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical -
How U.S. Government (Killed Us Again) U.S.A. Poisoned Alcohol During Prohibition -
CIA Killing 100,000> Year Selling Heroin In U.S.A. Our Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin -
Five Billion Slaughter-bots Weapon AI based drone weapon are ready be launched now -
CIA Mind Control and CIA Secret Experiments use of biological and chemical materials. -
AOC Celebrate Restarting MK-Ultra Program With Progress Psychedelics Treatment. -
The Pentagon's mandatory anthrax shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients and helped prompt many Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members to transfer to other units or leave the military between 1998 and 2000, according to a survey by Congress's General Accounting Office (GAO).
New World Order National Anthem "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf 1968 A.C.E. -
The survey indicated that 85% of troops who received an anthrax shot had an adverse reaction, a rate far higher than the 30% claimed by the manufacturer in 2000, when the survey was conducted. Sixteen percent of the survey respondents had either left the military or changed their status, at least in part because of the vaccination program.
Pedophile Bill Gates Is Lying To You On Vaccine Patent Protection # WO2020060606A1 -
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (brand name: Comirnaty) was granted full Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in August 2021 for people ages 16 and older. It was the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive FDA Emergency Use Authorization.
Gates from Hell - Like you Never Knew Him (Bill Gates) Before ? Corbett Report -
The technology would enable instant tracking and access to a person’s medical history.
COVID-19 Vaccines Will Kill You? Animation What Happens If You Get Coronavirus Effect -
No question that the mRNA vaccines should be withdrawn with immediate effect” An independent analysis of the accumulated Yellow Card data, finally released 18 months after the first FOI request, shows unequivocal safety signals linking the mRNA vaccines to serious damage to the lymph system, the heart, and female reproduction 'Health regulator failing to keep public protected from mRNA shots' IN the UK, three Covid-19 vaccines - AstraZeneca (AZ), Pfizer (PF) and Moderna (MO) - have been used in a nationwide inoculation programmed aimed at preventing harm from the so-called SARS-CoV2 virus.
COVID-X-24 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A. -
This is probably the key to everything. For the Vaxxed, for the Unvaxxed. Here is an explanation of the natural and synthetic parasites we are facing, and a guide to the three things you need to do to protect yourself and your family.
Real Parallel Worlds Today - NAZI vs U.S.A. - COVID-19 - ANTIFA - SS vs FBI vs DEATH -
Death To You And Your Family... Its For The Greater Good. Death To You And America... Its For The Greater Good. Its A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People... Yes Its For The Greater Good. You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Covil-19 Corrupt U.S.A. Governments... Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Its A Plandemic For New World Order... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
World Economic Forum Great Reset Medical Tyranny, Woke Culture, Green Agenda -
The Great Awakening Another Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation.
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What Is an Affidavit of Truth? and Affidavit Certificate? and Common Law Affidavit? -
Why COVID-19 Shot Is Not Safe ? Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ? -
Gates from Hell - Like you Never Knew Him (Bill Gates) Before ? Corbett Report
Truth about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World Order -
Biden Admin. Sale Girls 11 to 14 Age To Sex Trade 4 Illegals Arrive On Ghost Flights! -
True Story How US Government Tried To Kill Weed Smokers With A Toxic Chemical -
How U.S. Government (Killed Us Again) U.S.A. Poisoned Alcohol During Prohibition -
U.S. Government Run Human and Sex Trafficking & Enslavement of All Women & Races -
New World Order Says That All 50 State Will Not Comply Dishonest U.S. Administration -
A Organ Donor Card Will Get You Killed Very Fast As A Doctors Will Sell You 4 Money -
Nothing to See Here “Accidental Destruction” Food Processing Plant Fire Suspicious -
Orwellian Dystopia Both Side's Are Wrong Answer To Extremism Isn’t More Extremism -
United States Military and American Genocide A Brutal and Savage Massacre History -
Pedophile Bill Gates Is Lying To You On Vaccine Patent Protection # WO2020060606A1 -
Pedophile Netflix Cartoon - Smart Mark Zombie - Free Cell Phone - Mark Of The Beast -
Spongebob's Driver's License Has Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's Home Address ?
Parents Beware Internet Porn Cartoon Funny Starting Conversation With Your Kids -
Rex 84 FEMADC’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America and A Police State America. -
Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's Purchase 30,000 Guillotines -
What is Martial law in the US ? Habeas corpus ? Insurrection Act of 1807 ? NWO
Executive Orders Can’t Save The U.S.A. ? It's “WE THE PEOPLE” Who Own America ? -
A Dangerous New Zombie Drug is Taking Over American Streets and Million Will Die ? -
76 Million Gun Owners, Gun Culture, and 2nd Amendment Laws, Red Flags, U.S. Gangs -
We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real Bill of State Rights -
What Governments Don’t Want You To Know About Modern Sex Slavery In The World -
Terror Slavery Chronicles & Other Woman Escapes Sexual Slavery Auction ** GRAPHIC ** -
Birth Certificate Equals Slavery Bondage Understanding How Admiralty Maritime Laws -
John F. Kennedy vs. The Federal Reserve Executive Order 11110 Federal Reserve Exposed -
Meet Your Strawman ? Your Birth Certificate Is Worth Millions ? Swindled by U.S.A. -
GMO Genetically Modified Organisms Transgenic Crops and Recombinant DNA Technology -
Covid-19 U.S.A. Paid Chinese Scientists For Gain-Of-Function-Research For Bioweapon -
COVID-19 Vaccines Will Kill You? Animation What Happens If You Get Coronavirus Effect -
Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for No Reason A New Bioweapon ? -
COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A. -
People's Republic Of United State Of America & International Maritime Admiralty Law -
People's Republic Of United State Of America Act of 1871-1917-1933 Fully Exposed. -
History of Deadliest Prison and Street Gangs United States and Your Gun Right Laws -
Thousand's Dead In U.S.A. Now & Shot In Head By Police & Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuse -
Drug Enforcement Administration - Will Kill You - This Man Is Lucky - Most Time Dead -
CIA Killing 100,000> Year Selling Heroin In U.S.A. Our Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin -
History Flag/Evolution of Deep State/U.S.A. Star Chamber/April 1 Fool Sheeple Day? -
How FISC-DOJ-CIA-FBI Secret Pedophile's Courts, Justice System, Government Works -
U.S. Government Is Selling Fentanyl Laced w-Xylazine To Kill Us - Its Not From Mexico -
U.S. Government Is Selling Child Pornography and False Charges Against U.S. Citizens -
Speech On Human Trafficking Before United State Congress and Child Sex Tourism -
I Live In A Transgender Sexual Wide Wonderful World Of Pedophile's Hate Supremacist -
What’s in a Covid-19 Vaccine? - Everyone Will Now Get Edible Vaccine in Your Food -
New Mandate Law To Force All U.S.A. Female To Get Sex Genital Mutilation Survivors -
American Muslims Facts vs. Fiction vs. Islamic Militant Organization vs, Sharia Law ? -
Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys ? -
WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender --
Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -
This Is What's Coming To America - You Are Getting Wiped Out By U.S. Government -
Secrets Meeting Biden Said New U.S.A. Laws Coming Age of Consent Is To Be 8 Yrs. Old -
Comparison Most Hated People And U.S.A. Politicians And Civil Rights Leaders Too. -
Left Wing Vs. Right Wing Yes Two Wings of the Same Bird All Politicians Are Corruption -
CIA'S Human Robot Politicians Are Real Adrenochrome Illuminati Left Black Eye Club -
The Truth About Gain-Of-Function Covid-19 Vaccines U.S.A. Bioweapon And Terrorism -
You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments -
Docs Worldwide Warn You to Not Take the Covid 19 Vaccine Will Kill You Dead Soon -
Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration -
Why U.S.A. Government CIA-DOJ-FBI-Etc. Killing Thousands Whistleblowers Dead ? -
Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? -
Human Meat Project - New Shake 'N Bake Fetus - Campbell Cream of Fetus Soup? -
Lab-Grown And Real Human Meat Was FDA Approved Cannibalism A Sprit Cooking -
UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up
Weaponization Of Government Against Private Citizen And Death American People's -
This Is UN 4G3NDA 21 Aw4reness Is The First Step In The R3SlST4NC3 By The People -
You May Have Nothing To Hide But You Still Have Something To Fear NSA Watching You -
AOC Celebrate Restarting MK-Ultra Program With Progress Psychedelics Treatment -
Pedophile "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez" Satan Worship Religious Freedom Argument Who? -
This Is How Beef, Chickens, Cats, Dogs, Fish, Human Meat Hot Dogs Are Really Made -
Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive I'm Not A Chicken Nuggets And Eggs Educational Film -
Everything You Need To Know About Eating Live Insects Wild Edibles Of The World -
Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old
Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen -
U.S.A. Government Largest Middleman & Suppliers Of Sex Slave Trafficking Operation -
Millions To Die In Middle East Now From 85 Billion Worth U.S.A. Military Equipment -
Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 34 Dead 171 Wounded -
U.S.A. Government & Police States Are Seizing Money Civil Forfeiture Armored Car -
We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now -
We Hope This Video Is The Great Awakening In 2024 Of The American People And Is A Powerful Documentary From What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? Yes Its For The Greater Good. Yes Thank You For Killing Yourself Too... We The Sheeple People's Republic Of United State Of America... Yes Its For The Greater Good. With Love From Your Uncle Sam... Yes Its For The Greater Good, Greater Good, Greater Good, And God Bless You ALL... Yes Its For The Greater Good In 2024.
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
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