The living dinosaur that sounds like a machine gun: Shoebill Stork

9 months ago

This living dinosaur is named the Balaeniceps rex or Shoebill Stork. Reaching up to five feet tall with an eight-foot wingspan these creatures appeared about 35–40 million years ago, and humans have known about shoebill storks for a long time, with the first written description dating back to ancient Egypt.

Its specialized bill allows the shoebill to grab large prey, including lungfish, baby crocodiles, eels, and snakes. They use their hunting strategy of standing motionless in swamps before suddenly lunging forward to engulf their prey whole with their massive bills. Shoebills are masters of patience and can stay motionless for hours.

They also have a seemingly super-powered ability to focus. Shoebill storks are known to clap their beaks producing a loud machine gun like sound. Take a Listen here!

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