Mylohyoid muscle

9 months ago

Mylohyoid muscle is one of the suprahyoid muscles that, together with geniohyoid muscle forms the floor of the oral cavity.
Along with the other suprahyoid muscles (digastric, geniohyoid and stylohyoid), it connects the hyoid bone to the skull. The functions of this muscle are to facilitate speech and deglutition by elevating the floor of the mouth and hyoid bone and depressing the mandible.
Attaching between the mandible and hyoid bone, the mylohyoid muscle has the following actions;
Like all the other suprahyoid muscles, it elevates both the hyoid bone and floor of mouth, when the mandibular attachment is fixed.
It depresses mandible with the hyoid attachment fixed.
With its elevating actions on hyoid and floor of the mouth, the mylohyoid muscle aids deglutition by pressing the tongue against the hard palate, thus pushing the bolus towards the pharynx. Along with digastric and geniohyoid muscles, the mylohyoid can depress the mandible against resistance, separating teeth that may be held together by food and facilitating chewing.

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