5/19/2024 - Explaining the LIES and HARASSMENTS with Terrance Scroggins and his POLICE friends Hunting me to have me KILLED - Lead Officer Sean Dinse - Detective Angela Stewart - Detective Shapiro - Detective Ruiz - ILLEGAL COURT hearing operations

8 months ago

5/19/2024 - Explaining the LIES and HARASSMENTS with Terrance Scroggins and his POLICE friends Hunting me to have me KILLED - Lead Officer Sean Dinse - Detective Angela Stewart - Detective Shapiro - Detective Ruiz - ILLEGAL COURT hearing operations

Illegal Activities on my Court Date on May 17th with Terrance Scoggins and his Police FRIENDS

Detective Ruiz, Detective Angela Stewart, Detective Shapiro, Lead Officer Charles Dinse and their JEW KILL operations to have me KILLED with mass WORLDWIDE mobbings for 47 years

I explain how not only does Terrance Scroggins Daily, 47 times or so, in 35 days after the Court Date on April 5th Deface my property and cars, throwing things all over them, trying to jam my car windows shut, and working with 4 others on VIDEO doing all these things. Every event on VIDEO!

After me calling LAPD, Emailing them the videos each and every day. Terrance Scroggins makes up a NEW SET OF LIES with his Police Officer FRIEND, and one of the 23 year JEW KILLERS in Topanga Division LAPD Detective RUIZ. Like usual, Ignoring not only the 47 videos in the last month, but also the last 20 years of 100's and 100's of LAPD visits trying to get them to file police reports with BLACK and WHITE PROOF of these mass mobbings and ATTACKS.

Terrance Scroggin Lying while trying to PROVOKE ME with Detective RUIZ in the court house.

Explained on theseWORLDWIDE daily JEW KILL events exponentially growing since I was 5 years old


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