A Utah Mother Was Injured by the AstraZeneca Vaccine After Participating in Its Clinical Trial

4 months ago

05/19/2024 NewsNation: A Utah mother Brianne Dressen is suing AstraZeneca, because she was injured by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine after participating in its clinical trial. She told NewsNation host Chris Cuomo that she's suffering from an invisible illness, and she is in pain every second of every day. Dressen's attorney, Aaron Siri, also weighed in.
05/19/2024 NewsNation:美国犹他州的一位母亲Brianne Dressen对阿斯利康提起诉讼,因为她在参加了该公司的新冠疫苗临床试验后受到伤害。她向NewsNation的主持人Chris Cuomo表示,她患上了一种隐形疾病,每时每刻都在遭受痛苦。Dressen的律师Aaron Siri也发表了他的看法。

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