CV-19 VAX REGRET with Dan Bongino, Chose Vax as Required for Cancer Treatment

5 months ago

This is Dan Bongino's personal experience with regretfully agreeing to take the Covid-19 vaccine against his better judgement, but required to receive medical care for Cancer treatment.

There are many people who were faced with similar situations that required they take the CV-19 jab, "or else", whether it was required to keep their job, receive urgent medical care, or they were shamed into it for false reasons and media propaganda.

If the vaccine results in compromised health, serious side effects, or death, it appears they are on a one-way trip to their eventual destiny with the side-effects of their difficult choice.

The HOPE is that there will be an effective DETOX of the mRNA Spiked Protein developed soon, to prevent early catastrophic medical issues or death, due primarily to this poisonous injection.

Even if it is impossible to remove the contents of the injection, with God's help, we will find a process to stop the production or neutralize the effect of the mRNA Spiked Protein in our bodies.

For those who prefer a brighter future, look into the mRNA Spiked Protein Detox Protocol with Dr. Peter McCullough.

However, for those who believe God's promises, remember Acts 16:17-18... 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

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