India: The Worst Country on Earth (2024)

10 months ago

“India. A county shrouded in mystery. It is a cursed land, and quite possibly the most disgusting country on earth today. Some may even say it is the worst country to ever exist. In this god forsaken land the native Indian Hindu, more colloquially known as the Pajeet, breeds out of control like a plague of rats. Often defecating out in the open with no regard for its native habitat, the Pajeet spreads across the face of the earth like a cancerous tumor consuming all in its path while the world watches on in disgust and horror. With almost 1.4 billion Pajeets and rising our mother earth buckles under the terrible strain, whilst these creatures rapidly multiply in their own filth, with seemingly no end in sight... the most offended by this film or this review will be a white westerner. Intelligent and upper-class people from the third world are very aware of the decayed state of their lower-classes and keenly aware of the Caste, ethnic, class, and genealogical differences that separate them from those horrific masses.
Nothing in this film is surprising or horrifying to anyone from the Third World… many from the upper third world might say India is uniquely bad, one Chinese man described it a “4th World”, but most upper-class third worlders are very aware of what goes on in their slums. There might be some Indian Ultra-Nationalists on 4Chan or Twitter who REeee that Thames has laid waste to their “India is the Next Superpower” cope… but that’s an intra-4Chan turf war only amusing in that an internet argument so insignificant might have been ended in a final move so vastly more significant.

A whole lot of young girls thinking of “Finding themselves spiritually” by visiting India are now going to have family members forcibly sit them down to watch this…
“If you can’t watch an hour and a half, how can you live it for days on end?”
But the most significant impact of the film, which is already showing a surprisingly viral interest, is going to be on Western political discussions around diversity and Immigration.
“This is what we’re importing” as the warning goes. ”"
Full credit to the source:
In posting this to Rumble and elsewhere we are trying to make sure these important facts about reality are no longer hidden (sunlight is the best disinfectant, and India certainly needs some disinfecting!).

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