Total Onslaught 33: False Miracles - Revealing Satan’s Final End Time Deceptions - Signs & Wonders

7 months ago

Total Onslaught 33: False Miracles - Revealing Satan’s Final End Time Deceptions - Signs & Wonders - Walter Veith

Are the spiritual signs and wonders we are seeing today really from God? The Bible warns of lying signs and wonders that will be performed at the end of time in an attempt to deceive God's people. What modern-day signs and wonders have been taking place in association with the New Age and Marian movements? What insights does the Bible give regarding apparitions of Mary and other supernatural occurrences? Where is it all leading and what will be the grand finale?

This presentation includes a look at the apparitions at Lourdes and Fatima, the book Thunder of Justice, and Marian miracles around the world. Discover the truth about signs and wonders in this episode.

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Enjoy & God bless!

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