"Know Our Sin, to Show Our Love" -- Luke 7:36 - 47

9 months ago

"I'm Not That Bad"

Angelique and I just finished watching “Schindler’s List” again. It is hard for me to believe that the movie is over 30 years old now. If you have not seen it, it is a great movie. I don’t want to give too much away if you haven’t seen it, so this is a little of a spoiler alert.

Oskar Schindler was more of a playboy than a businessman. He wanted to make a lot of money so he could have a good time. On his way to making a lot of money during World War II, he did an amazing thing in Kraków, Poland. He saved over eleven hundred Jews from the gas chambers.

In 1933, there were almost 3 million Jews living in Poland. There are currently around 4,500 Jews living in Poland. The number of Schindler Jews currently living, these are the survivors Oskar Schindler saved, and their descendants is over 6,000 people.

Think about those numbers. Can you imagine the love those Jews have for Oskar Schindler? Even though they know he is a playboy, and he has many faults, can you imagine what they would be willing to do for him?

Their love for him to this day is great. Because they understand what they were saved from. When you truly understand the depth of the awfulness you have been saved from, your love for the person grows astronomically.

Do we understand the depth of the awfulness all of us put ourselves into? I don’t think we do. I know I don’t act like I should in this area. Furthermore, I know it in my head, but not my heart. Today, as we continue following Jesus, our Lord gives us a picture of someone, who because she truly sees her sin for what it is, she is able to abundantly show her love to the Lord.

Worship Music for the Week: https://tinyurl.com/20220724aciw

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