Self Amusement Pickup Guide (Night Game Infield)

9 months ago

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-Systematic progression through the 5 phases of game that all men must go through:
-Everything you need to get over Approach Anxiety
-How to Vibe with girls to make them DRAWN to you
-Strategies to Sexualize interactions with women, never be the platonic nice guy again
-How to properly Pull girls for consensual times
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This is Part 3 of a three part series where Austen goes deep to discuss the nuances of Self Amusement in picking up girls during day game or night game. In this video Austen explains how to self amuse and clears up confusion that many people have about self-amusement. You’ll learn how to self-amuse in a relatable way to get results.

You’ll see several infield examples of game with a focus on how to pickup girls on the street, role playing, and have fun with pick up.

Nightgame Pick up infield (0:44)
How to self-amuse (12:36)
Subway Day Game in field footage (29:41)
Free association self-amusement (30:23)
Improving your sense of humor (32:12)
How NOT to use selfamusement (32:52)
How to become self amused (36:20)
Mark Ronson - Daffodils ft. Kevin Parker
Dennis Kruissen - Falling in Love (ft. Langston)

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